Thursday, December 30, 2010

Goodbye 2010

 I can't believe 2010 is almost over. I feel like every year, time just goes by faster and faster, and I really look forward to when it'll eventually start to slow down. I mean, it has to, right? Everyone seems to center their life around time, worrying about having too much or running out of it. And although we would be nowhere if we just lived our lives without any consideration for it, I don't think it should always be like that.
 I don't even remember what I spent my 2010 year doing. I always seem to remember the unimportant things, like what shirt my best friend's mom wore the day we went apple picking, or what toppings a friend put on his ice cream sundae one night, and even what the colors of my dad's birthday candles were. They were pink, the only colors we had left in the house. I wonder if one day these little details will come together and spell something life-changing out for me, but as time goes on, I'm more convinced that I just have a very selective memory. But is it the big events that matter in life, or the little details that mean the most? Happy New Year.

Sunday, December 26, 2010


 If you live in the tri-state area you will realize by now that you are slowly being trapped into your house by the snow that will not stop falling from the sky. This all reminds me of when I order funnel cake and continue to sprinkle the powdered sugar on top until I can't see the cake anymore. I think I actually eat funnel cake mainly for the powdered sugar... Anyway, I absolutely love snow, but there are days when you don't have the energy to pull on layers and layers of clothing and pull out the gloves and boots, so I made a list of all the things people could do indoors this winter break.

1. Staircase sledding- We all know what this is, we've seen it in movies, but I've never actually tried it before. I'm going to bring down the same sled I've owned since I was seven years old and go down the stairs with it. And if I post another blog after this one, it means I've survived without too severe of a head injury.

2. Fake beach- I think I read this in a book once or maybe I just dreamed about it, but I think it'd be cool to turn up the heat in a big room and pretend to, well, be at a beach. Yes, I'm talking about laying out beach towels, getting into a bikini, and turning on the Beach Boys. Put on sunglasses and a pair of flip flops and let your imagination do the rest.

3. New hot cocoa recipes- If you're like me, you always wanted to invent something, a time machine, some kind of robot, a new language, new recipes and flavors maybe? Why not invent a new flavor of hot cocoa, or just keep adding in things you find in your kitchen until it tastes somewhat appetizing? I remember I used to put sprinkles in mine in the good ol' days. There's a start.

4. Bake- This one I'm definitely doing. If there's one thing I love doing to kill time, it's baking. Why not even go ahead and make a gingerbread house? And bake gingerbread people, and have your own little gingerbread village? It'll be like Gingerbread Sims, only better because you now have the ability to eat your gingerbread characters. Mmmmm.

5. Indoor camping- I'll admit that I still do this. I set up little tents in my bedroom out of blankets and chairs, put in a sleeping bag, and do all sorts of camp-y things in there. Most of the time I just eat smores while holding a flashlight but that's good enough for me.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Lunar Eclipse 2010

 I woke up an hour ago to see this year's lunar eclipse at three in the morning. It is so amazing to me how one little thing like the moon can bring people all over the world together. We're all looking at the same thing, aren't we? It's nice to know that although everyone comes from different places and believes in different things, we can all agree on the awesome-ness of something like a lunar eclipse.
 I wonder if the first thing people thought of when they heard the word 'eclipse' was of one of the books in the beloved Twilight series. The exploded popularity of vampires and werewolves, and the crazy obesessive fans have scared me to the point of no return, but I have to admit that the third book in the series was one of the first things I thought of. It's so interesting to learn about words that remind people of different words or incidents even. The way the human brain works will always be a mystery to me, but the connections and links it forms to all sorts of random different things will always amuse me.

Friday, December 17, 2010

Wii Dance 2

 What a night! A friend of mine threw a party on Friday I really needed. All these teachers try cramming everything in before the holidays, and it's just crazy how much work we all have. So, it's the typical party scene until we decide we want to play this game called Dance 2 on the Wii. I don't think any of us really thought we'd be that interested in it, but oh, how we were mistaken. We were hooked. Not only was it hilarious seeing the guys shake their hips and shimmy, but it was also a great workout for everyone. Half the people there were set on buying the game for themselves, me included.
 The bake sale didn't exactly go as planned. My fellow club members and I realized that Friday bake sales result in failures for nobody wants to stay at school a minute longer than they have to. Everyone is out the doors immediately after that final bell rings, and not even yummy dinosaur Nutella sandwiches can stop them. We ended up making forty-four dollars and sixty one cents, which is probably the record for the least amount of money ever made at a bake sale. How pitiful.
 I just realized that the time I see on the digital clock on my desktop, and the time it says I put up a post is off by three or so hours. It's really one in the morning, but it says it's 10 p.m. in blog world time. Ha!

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Dinosaur Nutella Sandwiches

 For our bake sale tomorrow, my friend Sarah and I made an army of these adorable dinosaur Nutella sandwiches. The whole process was actually very amusing. Half of them were on wheat and the other half on white bread; you know, in an attempt to promote healthier eating and all. Bake sales are a huge thing at our school, and truthfully, we should all be worried at just how well they do. I think we have one almost every day after school, but clubs are making the money they need to save Africa and stop global warming, and the club I'm in will take the money we earn and... uh, do something remotely productive with it.
 At a typical bake sale at our school, you will see your variety of cupcakes, cookies, and brownies, all very typical and expected. When people see our awesome dinosaur sandwiches, they'll go crazy. I can see it already. And for some reason, Nutella is one of those things even the pickiest eater likes. I mean, how can you not like creamy, hazelnut chocolate melting in your mouth? I try not to have too much though because it makes me break out. It's sad, really.

 We went through two loaves of bread, and half of a gigantic tub of Nutella. And we ended up eating half of the mountain of crust we had left over. I say it was a good day.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Post Number One

 Wow, I am finally starting a blog. I've been wanting to start one for a few months now, but I don't think I convinced myself I had a good enough reason to have one until today. I'm not sure how well this is going to go, but it's an experience, and that's all I can ask for. I've decided that I am going to try to write about or post a picture of something interesting (or so un-interestingly interesting) I see happen every day. Why would I take the time to do this? I was sitting in class today, probably math, when I realized that so many intriguing things happen in everyone's lives each day, but they don't really take the time to write it down or appreciate them. I didn't want that to happen to me.
 I am sort of breaking the three year bond I have with my diary, but as I said before, it's all about the experience.
 Today in the car to school, my dad and I had a fight that I unintentionally initiated. My dad likes to make me little breakfast sandwiches for the car ride every morning. I think he prides himself in knowing that he's the type of father who provides his daughter with the right nutrition to start the day. It's usually an egg and a slice of cheese on two slices of whole-wheat bread spread with butter, but today, he forgot the cheese. I love cheese, and was a little upset by this. I pointed this out to him and that set him off into this speech about how he didn't know we had any cheese, and how unappreciative I was for his little egg and cheese sandwiches every morning. We always have cheese, and he knows how much I love those sandwiches with the crust perfectly cut off and everything. That happened at 7:30 this morning, and he still hasn't let it go. I think those sandwiches mean more to him than they ever will to me.