Thursday, December 16, 2010

Dinosaur Nutella Sandwiches

 For our bake sale tomorrow, my friend Sarah and I made an army of these adorable dinosaur Nutella sandwiches. The whole process was actually very amusing. Half of them were on wheat and the other half on white bread; you know, in an attempt to promote healthier eating and all. Bake sales are a huge thing at our school, and truthfully, we should all be worried at just how well they do. I think we have one almost every day after school, but clubs are making the money they need to save Africa and stop global warming, and the club I'm in will take the money we earn and... uh, do something remotely productive with it.
 At a typical bake sale at our school, you will see your variety of cupcakes, cookies, and brownies, all very typical and expected. When people see our awesome dinosaur sandwiches, they'll go crazy. I can see it already. And for some reason, Nutella is one of those things even the pickiest eater likes. I mean, how can you not like creamy, hazelnut chocolate melting in your mouth? I try not to have too much though because it makes me break out. It's sad, really.

 We went through two loaves of bread, and half of a gigantic tub of Nutella. And we ended up eating half of the mountain of crust we had left over. I say it was a good day.

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