Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Post Number One

 Wow, I am finally starting a blog. I've been wanting to start one for a few months now, but I don't think I convinced myself I had a good enough reason to have one until today. I'm not sure how well this is going to go, but it's an experience, and that's all I can ask for. I've decided that I am going to try to write about or post a picture of something interesting (or so un-interestingly interesting) I see happen every day. Why would I take the time to do this? I was sitting in class today, probably math, when I realized that so many intriguing things happen in everyone's lives each day, but they don't really take the time to write it down or appreciate them. I didn't want that to happen to me.
 I am sort of breaking the three year bond I have with my diary, but as I said before, it's all about the experience.
 Today in the car to school, my dad and I had a fight that I unintentionally initiated. My dad likes to make me little breakfast sandwiches for the car ride every morning. I think he prides himself in knowing that he's the type of father who provides his daughter with the right nutrition to start the day. It's usually an egg and a slice of cheese on two slices of whole-wheat bread spread with butter, but today, he forgot the cheese. I love cheese, and was a little upset by this. I pointed this out to him and that set him off into this speech about how he didn't know we had any cheese, and how unappreciative I was for his little egg and cheese sandwiches every morning. We always have cheese, and he knows how much I love those sandwiches with the crust perfectly cut off and everything. That happened at 7:30 this morning, and he still hasn't let it go. I think those sandwiches mean more to him than they ever will to me. 

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