Friday, December 17, 2010

Wii Dance 2

 What a night! A friend of mine threw a party on Friday I really needed. All these teachers try cramming everything in before the holidays, and it's just crazy how much work we all have. So, it's the typical party scene until we decide we want to play this game called Dance 2 on the Wii. I don't think any of us really thought we'd be that interested in it, but oh, how we were mistaken. We were hooked. Not only was it hilarious seeing the guys shake their hips and shimmy, but it was also a great workout for everyone. Half the people there were set on buying the game for themselves, me included.
 The bake sale didn't exactly go as planned. My fellow club members and I realized that Friday bake sales result in failures for nobody wants to stay at school a minute longer than they have to. Everyone is out the doors immediately after that final bell rings, and not even yummy dinosaur Nutella sandwiches can stop them. We ended up making forty-four dollars and sixty one cents, which is probably the record for the least amount of money ever made at a bake sale. How pitiful.
 I just realized that the time I see on the digital clock on my desktop, and the time it says I put up a post is off by three or so hours. It's really one in the morning, but it says it's 10 p.m. in blog world time. Ha!

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